"Funky Friends"
“Funky Friends” is an original drawing surrounded by subconscious creatures with funky energy. These were a part of Kyla’s Imaginary Friends collection, actively addressing loneliness during the heart of the pandemic.
9 x 12 in
Colored Pencil and Ink on thick paper
“Funky Friends” is an original drawing surrounded by subconscious creatures with funky energy. These were a part of Kyla’s Imaginary Friends collection, actively addressing loneliness during the heart of the pandemic.
9 x 12 in
Colored Pencil and Ink on thick paper
“Funky Friends” is an original drawing surrounded by subconscious creatures with funky energy. These were a part of Kyla’s Imaginary Friends collection, actively addressing loneliness during the heart of the pandemic.
9 x 12 in
Colored Pencil and Ink on thick paper