

“Deborah” is an original drawing from Kyla’s Imaginary Friends collection during the heart of the pandemic. Deborah kept the artist company in times of solitude as a way to cope with depression.

Made with colored pencil and marker on thick paper

11 x 14 in


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“Deborah” is an original drawing from Kyla’s Imaginary Friends collection during the heart of the pandemic. Deborah kept the artist company in times of solitude as a way to cope with depression.

Made with colored pencil and marker on thick paper

11 x 14 in


“Deborah” is an original drawing from Kyla’s Imaginary Friends collection during the heart of the pandemic. Deborah kept the artist company in times of solitude as a way to cope with depression.

Made with colored pencil and marker on thick paper

11 x 14 in


"Makes Sense"
"A Mouthful"
"Brace Yourself"
"Sugar, Sharpie, and I Need Advice"
"Funky Friends"