Kyla Yager Artwork

Toronto based, New Orleans bred, ADHD Inspired

Intuitive ADHD Art

As her thoughts move
a mile a minute,
so does her paintbrush.

Kyla Yager Artwork creates a safe space for being vulnerable and connecting through creativity.

Upcoming Events and Shows:

Art Battle - Montréal

Bar La Shop
4177, rue Saint-Denis (2ième étage)
Montreal. QC
Thursday, March 20th 
Doors 7:30pm
Tickets, Voting, and Lineup

Art Battle - Pittsburgh

Atithi Studios 
1020 N. Canal Street, Sharpsburg, PA
Pittsburgh, PA
Thursday, March 27th
Doors 7pm
Tickets, Voting, and Lineup

Support the Artist

Available Originals

Kyla has curated collections of tactile art, drawings and paintings available in her online shop. With a price-point for everyone, there will always be an accessible way towards art ownership, allowing collectors to unmask at home through art.

Shop Kyla Yager Artwork